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[2019-07-01 15:08:02] 来源: 编辑: 点击量:
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导读:   银币的产生与发展已经有六百多年的历史。据史料介绍,起源于15世纪的银元,始铸于欧洲,又称“洋钱”、“花边钱”或“大洋”,是世界上银


  The production and development of silver coins has been more than 600 years old. According to historical sources, the silver dollar originated in the 15th century, originally cast in Europe, also known as "foreign money", "lace money" or "ocean", is the main currency of the world's silver-based countries. In the 16th century, the silver dollar began to flow into China. After the Republic of China, the silver dollar was identified as one of the major currencies in the collection of modern currency. The official cast silver dollar of the Qing Dynasty began in 1890 and started from Guangdong Province. After 1893, Hubei, Jiangsu, Fujian and other provinces followed the example of Guangdong Province and minted their own silver dollar currency. After September 1910, the Qing government issued a "currency system", which stipulated that the silver dollar (including silver seven money two points) as the national currency.

  广东七三系列的币模由英国著名雕刻师艾伦·韦恩(Allan Wyon)设计雕刻,刻妥后由喜敦厂转交广东钱局,此事曾刊载于1888年5月19日的伦敦《Graphic》杂志。韦恩是德国移民的后裔,其祖父于19世纪初即在伦敦开办私人的雕刻坊,替各工厂制作钱币及奖章或纪念章用的模具,艾伦继父兄之后主持该工作坊,而非受聘于任何造币厂的雕刻师。显然各方合作愉快,故后来许多来自英国的中国钱币模具皆由艾伦操刀。

  The model of the Guangdong Seven-Three Series was designed and engraved by the famous British engraver Allan Wyon. It was handed over to the Guangdong Money Bureau by the Xidun Factory. The matter was published in London on May 19, 1888. "magazine. Wayne was a descendant of German immigrants. His grandfather opened a private carving workshop in London in the early 19th century to make coins and medals or medals for the factories. Allen followed the father and brother to host the workshop instead of being employed. Any mint engraver. Apparently, the cooperation between the parties was pleasant, so many Chinese coin molds from the UK were all handled by Allen.


  This piece of Guangdong made Guangxu yuanbao, the perfect appearance, beautiful patina, is a boutique.




  中华五千年上下数千年,龙已渗透了中国社会的各个方面,成为一种文化的凝聚和积淀。龙成了中国的象征、中华民族的象征、中国文化的象征。在民间传说,钱币背面的龙, 能增加一个人的气运,使其时刻在龙气的保护下,趋吉避凶。

  For thousands of years in China, the dragon has penetrated all aspects of Chinese society and has become a cultural cohesion and accumulation. The dragon became a symbol of China, a symbol of the Chinese nation, and a symbol of Chinese culture. In folklore, the dragon on the back of the coin can increase a person's air transport, so that it can be avoided under the protection of the dragon.


  The first casting mechanism of the Guangdong Money Bureau is the Silver Dollar and the Copper Dollar. Since then, the provinces have followed suit to purchase foreign machinery for casting silver and copper. Including the Guangdong Money Bureau, many coin machines are ordered from the famous London Birmingham Mint Co., Ltd. The involvement of the British industry has made silver coins also contaminated with Western colors. The front of the coin is clearly visible in the fusion of Manchu culture, while the money back clearly indicates the involvement of Western culture.


  As the first Guangdong province to cast the Guangxu Yuanbao series, its coin craft is more perfect than that of other provinces. Because Guangdong is a coastal area and the region with the most contacts with foreign countries, Guangxu Yuanbao is cast in the same way as Hong Kong coins. In many aspects, Guangdong is the fastest and latest way to improve it. Therefore, in recent years, Guangxu Yuanbao made in Guangdong Province is very popular among the public in the collection market, and it is not an exaggeration for it. As a result, the quantity of Guangxu Yuanbao made in Guangdong Province is very scarce in the market, and it is basically impossible to meet.




  古钱币极具观赏性与历史价值,因此古钱币如同其他古玩一样被藏家们所青睐。中国最早的机制洋式银元为光绪年间的“光绪元宝”,俗称“龙洋”,因银元背面 一般铸有龙纹而得名。珍稀古钱币是货币历史的实物,由于早已不在流通领域,留存下来的亦少之极少,更是历史的见证。

  Ancient coins are very ornamental and historical, so ancient coins are favored by collectors like other antiques. The earliest mechanism of the Western-style silver dollar in China was the Guangxu Yuanbao of the Guangxu period, commonly known as the "Longyang". It was named after the dragon's back was generally cast on the back of the silver dollar. Rare ancient coins are the real thing of the history of money. Since they are no longer in the circulation field, there are very few remaining, and it is a witness of history.





  Ancient for today, ancient and modern

  Set ancient and modern ya rewards for all players

  泱泱华夏文明, Hehe Shengshiwen

  Take the world's best products, and see the world of all living beings


  This collection will be auctioned in late July! ! !



